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How to find a job in Barcelona?

Are you planning to move to another country to live and work? Without a doubt, it is a personal and work experience. If Barcelona is in your plans, you have found the perfect article to start planning it. Next, we want to give you some tips so you can find work in Barcelona according to your needs. Read!


Determine your capabilities

The first thing you should do is be clear about what you want to do. Summarize all your abilities, skills, and strengths. In addition, it is important that you have a roadmap on what future work you want in order to continue growing as a professional.


At this point, you should contemplate two options: work for others or become a professional freelancer.


Employment: update your resume

In case you want to work as an employee in a company, we recommend that you update your curriculum. Here are some tips to carry it out:


  • Try to have only one page. This will make it easier for those interested to read.
  • Put relevant information at the beginning or highlight the main thing with bold words. At first glance it will be the information with which the company will stay.
  • Include your career goal. This information is an added value for companies.
  • Be brief and concise. You do not need to put kilometric texts to impress. It is more relevant that you can synthesize the most important information and thus facilitate its reading.
  • If you are a professional related to design, photography or similar professions, it is essential that you include your portfolio so that the company can see your projects.


Don't forget that a resume should be visually appealing. We leave you a list of tools so you can design your letter of introduction to the world of work:


Where to look for a job?

Now that you have an updated resume, it's time to start looking for a job. We propose two different ways to get started:


  • Contact companies directly. It's time to start looking for the companies you're interested in working for. Explore the companies and make a list with them. Write a cover letter for each of them and attach your CV.
  • Look for job offers on digital platforms. Many companies seek to fill their vacancies by publishing offers on specialized portals. We leave you a list where you can search:


Self-employed: create your credentials

If you want to work as a freelancer, the first thing you have to do is define what services you want to offer, determine your prices and be clear about the points in which you stand out. From here, you will need to create your credentials. Remember to include:


  • The services you offer with case studies or credentials. It will give you credibility in front of potential customers.
  • Testimonials from other clients. A happy customer is one of the best selling points.
  • The portfolio. A picture is worth a thousand words.


Where do I look for customers?


One of the fastest ways to enter the world of freelancers is to use the network of specialized portals and platforms on the internet. In this way, you will gain visibility and begin to position yourself. Here are some steps you should take to create or improve your online presence as a freelancer:


  • Create or adapt your profiles on social networks. These platforms are a window to the world where you can show who you are and what you do. With a good content strategy, you will be able to show your virtues as a professional. Remember that LinkedIn is the social network par excellence and one of the most important that you should work on.


  • Create profiles on specialized freelancer portals. There are many portals where you can advertise your services. Here are some of them:

Once you start your new work and personal adventure in the city of Barcelona, we recommend that you take a look at our spaces to work and live in Barcelona. Living and working in another city is always better in a community!


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