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Tips for a more sustainable lifestyle

The resources of our planet are limited and a time has come where we are generating a negative impact on the environment with our daily actions. From the time we wake up in the morning until we go to bed at night, we are making decisions that can affect the environment around us.


Today we want to give you some tips and advice to have a more sustainable day to day and, thus, help our planet.


Electrical Appliances

These devices are part of our day to day and, many times, we do not stop to reflect on how to use them more efficiently.

  • Load appliances well: Whether it is the washing machine or the dishwasher, if you fill them to their maximum capacity, you will have to use them less.
  • ECO or long programs: contrary to what many people believe, ECO programs or those that are longer of our appliances consume less energy and resources.
  • Turn off appliances: when we do not use the television or computer. When they stay on "standby" they continue to consume electricity.


Air conditioning

Being comfortable in our house is very important and one of the important elements to be comfortable is not to be cold or hot.

  • When it is cold, it is advisable to put some more clothes on top before turning on the heating.
  • In summer, try to open the windows before turning on the air conditioner or fan.
  • If you put the air conditioning or heating, do not put them to the maximum, in winter you can put it at 20ºC and in summer at 26ºC.
  • Use the blinds. In summer, you can lower them during the day to block the heat of the sun and in winter, close them at night so as not to let the cold pass.


Reduce, Recycle and Reuse

We know that the 3Rs are basic, but it’s good to remember that these small actions have a big impact.

  • Do not flush used oil down the sink. Store it in a container to take it for recycling. Remember that 1 liter of oil can contaminate up to 1,000 liters of water.
  • Do not use single-use plates, cutlery, tupperware or napkins. There are reusable versions of all these utensils, for example, glass tupperware or cloth napkins.
  • Make a weekly menu. Knowing in advance what you are going to eat will help you buy only what you are going to eat and reduce food waste.
  • Buy in bulk. There are more and more stores that give the option to buy in bulk. It's a simple way to buy only the amount of food you need.
  • Eat seasonal fruits, vegetables and vegetables. By consuming products out of season you encourage their transport from other areas.
  • Recycle your clothes. You can give your clothes that are already old a second chance, either by making new clothes or donating them so that someone else can use them.
  • Use less paper. Whether you work from home or the office, the digital age helps us to consume much less paper. For example, if you have a meeting, you can email documents to all attendees instead of carrying a copy for each attendee.


Another thing you can do is move and/or work in a sustainable Coliving and Coworking. We invite you to get to know Viu and all the initiatives we carry out to improve our impact on the world around us.

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